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Image credit: Sick Media Blue42

What the Bye Week Means to Me

     The dreaded bye week.  Not labeled so by the men who have been literally abusing their own bodies week in and week out over the last several months, but by us fans whose mood and general wellbeing is entirely based on the ups and downs, wins and losses of their favorite NFL franchise.  Sure there’s other games, but MY team isn’t playing.


     So, I started thinking, what does “bye week” mean to me?  I thought back to those assignments you’d get in elementary school over a holiday, news or history event where the teacher wanted you to explain what “it” meant to you.  Some people took the recipe approach.  You know, like the first ingredient for wonderful Thanksgiving is Family.  Mix your family thoroughly with the warmth of your holiday home and blend it with memories and pleasant conversation.  Next add the alcohol, because you know you really didn’t want to deal with this today and you’re going to need some strong intoxicants just to get through any interaction you might accidently have with Aunt Karen or her one-eyed, diseased addled, ill behaved dog thing she swears is her child.  Nobody wants that.  Trust me. 


I would much rather treat the subject like an acronym.  For those not familiar, an acronym is an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words.  It is pronounced as a word (e.g.  NFL, DUI, NASA, STD, etcetera.) 


     What Bye Week means to me.  “B” is for Blue.  The beautiful Speed Blue that the super talented Colts players gallantly wear on their uniforms representing the proud people of Indiana every week.  “Y” is for the…”Y” is for……”Y” is for why the hell am I writing this shit?  Heaven above, I either need to drink a lot more or not at all.  If I break into “We Love Our Colts” randomly out of nowhere, please call a mental health professional for me.  I’ve obviously gone off the deep end and I desperately need professional assistance (please note that at no time did I refer to that song as the “Colts Anthem.” 


     I understand the bye week, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.  So my whole fragile existence teeters on the whims of the Colts players and coaches every week.  Having this limbo/hell week just makes me ask more and more questions and has me doubting anything that remotely seems good.  Bye Week has waived goodbye and now we move on to the must win at Mile High.  Here’s to the ghost of Peyton Manning being with us and not the Denver Brokehoes Sunday.    


That is the Forged Truth from the Meanie




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Eric Griffin

One of the OG Blue Crew guys. Colts season ticket holder since 1991. I go back so far, I’m in front of me.

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