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Grandpa keys

Image credit: Sick Media Blue42

Take the Keys Away from Grandpa

     My Father used to say, if man made it, it is going to break.  If God made it, it is going to die.  Pretty straight forward there.  Death and dying are both natural steps in the normal progression through this life.  How, and how quickly we get there is another thing.  Check out the Darwin Awards sometime.  You’re welcome. 

     A coward dies one thousand deaths, but the valiant taste of death but once.  Taking a little poetic license with good old Bill Shakespeare, this Colts franchise falls squarely into the “coward” category.  Fresh example, the completely embarrassing, trauma-inducing loss to the 2-13, last place in the league, held the first pick in the 2025 NFL Draft already, New York Giants.  That literal shit show in New Jersey was death by 1000 cuts on Sunday! Or as our Chinese friends would call it, “Lingchi.”  I can honestly say, I was more comfortable lying on an operating table, my legs in stirrups, having a strange man fondle my junk, getting a vasectomy, than I was sitting there watching the game.  Sure, he said he was a doctor, but what kind of doctor operates by candlelight in a jacuzzi suite at the Comfort Inn and Suites off of Southport Road?  I still get holiday cards from him too.  At least he took my insurance.

     I still believe that Chris Ballard has done a good job at getting talent needed to marshal a good NFL roster.  Yeah, yeah, let the arrows fly.  Ballard is not blameless in this dumpster fire, but I lay the blame for the state of the franchise squarely on coaching.  Most of those men on the field Sunday acted like they were there to collect a check, nothing more, nothing less.  No sense of urgency on either side of the ball.  What the hell is this thing with Colt’s defenders bumping into the ball carriers and expecting them to flop to the ground like LeBron James at a home court Lakers game?  Tackling has been pitiful all season!  The defense has had splashes of hope, but to let the league’s worst offense, and lowest scoring team post 45 up on you!  That is downright unacceptable!  This falls right at the feet of Mr. Gus Bradley.  That dude should have been made to walk back to Indiana after that embarrassing display.  He should have been fired before they even left the stadium! 

     Is Gus the only problem?  Oh dear Lord, no.  There is also a culture problem here with the players.  Too many times, there is a lack of focus and effort on both sides of the ball.  That shitty locker room mentality can be traced right back to Shane Steichen.  He allows it to go on.  You’d never see any of this from a Tony Dungy or Ted Marchibroda locker room.  Hell, bring back Bruce Arians!  Sometimes this touchy, feely, everybody gets a trophy bullshit is just that, bullshit!  We need a coach that is going to get in their asses when they screw up.  Hold people accountable for f’ing up for heaven’s sake!  Don’t offer them ice cream, a hug and then tell them they’ll do better next time.  Either a lot of these players don’t care, or they have just given up on Shane and his system.  You think AR would’ve tapped out on Tony Dungy in the redzone because he was tired?  Me neither.

     As much as we love him, I am thinking it might be time to take the keys (team) away from Grandpa (Jim Irsay) and let the kids drive the bus for a while.  The silence and inactivity from 56th is deafening.  Heads should have rolled!  The whole idea, that all we got was coach Steichen saying that he could only control what he controls is laughable.  According to Fobes the average ticket cost to an NFL game is $377.  As much as people like to think the NFL is sport, it is a business first.  If you follow the interwebs and the Twitter X-Boxes you’d know just how worked up these Colts fans are.  This current team is in a playoff appearance drought that has not been seen since 1988-1994.  How much longer are Colts fans going to blindly shovel money into a Colts organization that doesn’t even care enough to respect their fans with honest communication?  Look, I like Chris Ballard and Shane Steichen seems to be a nice guy, but at the end of the day, this is a business and if this business continues to produce like it has, people will start walking away and take their hard-earned disposable income with them.  If you believe all the internet chatter several season ticket holders have already canceled their 2025 season tickets.  Jim Irsay has done some wonderful and generous things for the city and the people of Indianapolis over the years.  We all get old, and we all lose a step.  I really think it is time for Grandpa to hand over the keys before this bus stalls on the train tracks and turns into an even bigger trainwreck.  

That is the Forged Truth from the Meanie



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Eric Griffin

One of the OG Blue Crew guys. Colts season ticket holder since 1991. I go back so far, I’m in front of me.

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