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If You Don’t Know Where You are Going, Any Road Will Take You There

     Welcome back to Colts fans favorite game show, Win Now!  I’m your host, Skip Winning.  Let’s meet tonight’s contestants.  First up, he’s the CEO and majority owner of the Indianapolis Colts.  Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like you to meet Mr. Jim Irsay.  Jim, why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself.  “WIN NOW!”  Well, aren’t you an excited one.  Our studio audience and the audience at home would like to know some more about you.  Tell the audience something about yourself.  “Jim Morrison of the Doors and I would have been best friends if he hadn’t drowned in that bathtub.”  “John Cougar Mellencamp once spent the night at my house.”  Uh… okay Jim.  Let’s meet our next contestant.   

     Contestant number two, tell us who you are and a little about yourself.  “Uh, hi.  My name is Shane Steichen and I’m the Head Coach of the Indianapolis Colts.”  Welcome to the show Shane.  Do you know how our game is played?  “No, I’ve heard of Win Now, but I’m not really sure what that means.”  Well okay then Shane.  How our game works is that I will give you a question and some plausible answers to that question.  You are free to choose one of the given answers or you can come up with one of your own.  In the end, we will know if you are in Win Now mode or just hoping for long trip to somewhere else.  Got it?  Okay let’s play our game.

     First question goes to you Jim.  You have two quarterbacks.  One has a record of 5-5 as a starter and the other has a record of 1-3.  Which quarterback gives you the best opportunity to Win Now?  Jim, what’s your answer?  “Win Now!”  Yeah that’s the name of the game Jim, but which one gives you the best opportunity to Win Now?  “Win Now!  Final answer.”  Ok Jim, you seem to be laser focused on Win Now for the moment.  Let’s pose that same question to our other contestant.  Shane, if you have two quarterbacks, one has a record of 5-5 as a starter and the other has a record of 1-3, which quarterback gives you the best opportunity to Win Now?  “Oh jeez.  That’s a hard one.  Can I phone a friend?”  Of course you can Shane.  Who would you like to call?  “I’d like to call my good friend and mentor, Frank Reich.”  Will do, we are dialing Frank now.  Hello?  Is this Frank Reich?  “Who is this and how the hell did you get my number?”  “The team was bad when I got there.  Stop calling here!  I have bear mace and I’m not afraid to use it!”  Frank, Frank, Frank this is Skip Winning from everybody’s favorite game show, Win Now.  We have your friend Shane on our show, and he chose you to help with his question.  Are you ready to help your friend Shane win a fabulous prize?”  “Sure, hey Shane can I have a job?”  I need you to concentrate here Frank.  The question posed to Shane was, if you have two quarterbacks, one has a record of 5-5 as a starter and the other has a record of 1-3, which quarterback gives you the best opportunity to Win Now?  Is it QB1 or QB2?  “Well Shane if I were you, and Carson Wentz wasn’t around, I’d have to go with my gut and say QB2.  He’s already got a losing record, so he’s bound to win now.”   

     So, Shane, what will it be?  “Well, I guess since I can’t have Carson Wentz, I’ll go with QB2.”  Is that your final answer Shane.  “Skip, final answer.”  Congratulations Shane!  Your wonderful football insight has won you a free trip somewhere else!  Studio announcer guy, tell Shane just what he’s won by his Win Now decision.  Well Shane, you’ve won the opportunity to uproot your entire family and move to a completely new city more than likely not of your choosing!  You could be headed to exciting New England, Cleveland, New York, Dallas, Nashville or maybe even sunny Jacksonville!  Congratulations Shane and good luck wherever the hell you land next year!  To our winner Shane Steichen, if you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there.  This has been Win Now with your host Skip Winning.  Till next time…

This is the Forged Truth from the Meanie



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Eric Griffin

One of the OG Blue Crew guys. Colts season ticket holder since 1991. I go back so far, I’m in front of me.

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